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Act-Belong-Commit Darkan Sheepfest

Saturday, 12th February

Come join me at the Act-Belong-Commit Darkan Sheepfest on Saturday 12th Feb ill be on stage at 1.30pm with a 1hr presentation discussing all things ‘Sheep Manure & More’


Media Release: Act-Belong-Commit Darkan Sheepfest to be put to the COVID Test and looking for positive results!
January 24, 2022 Following on from the disappointment of cancelling last year’s show, Act-Belong-Commit Darkan Sheepfest is all set to navigate double vaccination entry requirements for events in regional Western Australia and is aiming for show success.

Act-Belong-Commit Darkan Sheepfest is to be held on Saturday 12th February 2022. The event’s main aim is to bring city to country, whilst promoting the sheep and wool industry and at the same time showcasing their community and town. Visitors and locals spend the whole day wandering around the show, dividing their time between children’s free entertainment and rides, sport shear and wool handling competition, wool fashion shows and market stalls.

Since the show’s inaugural year in 2018, Act-Belong-Commit Darkan Sheepfest has proudly been promoted as a good old-fashioned show, welcoming everyone for just a gold coin donation. Unfortunately, recent mandates may mean not everyone will be able to attend the show this year. Act-Belong-Commit Darkan Sheepfest President, Karen Prowse, has plenty of experience with COVID management which will benefit the show greatly – “With my West Arthur Community Resource Centre management role, we are continually
reviewing, revising and implementing changes to our practices in line with WA COVID guideline updates. I was very pleased the committee was confident enough to proceed with the show this year. Being one of the first rural towns to run a show under these new COVID
mandates, we hope we can set a benchmark in which other towns may benefit from our experiences for management of their future shows.”
Part of the decision to proceed has stemmed from the high number of participants, volunteers, sponsors, and exhibitors that have confirmed they have been double vaccinated for COVID. This strong indication should provide for a smooth entry at the show’s front gate.
Special show guest, Sabrina Hahn, will finally be able to give her ‘Sheep Manure & More’ presentation due to the show being cancelled last year. Adjacent to Sabrina will be the Darkan kids ‘Sheep Poo’ stall, selling manure by the bag or barrowload!

Act-Belong-Commit Darkan Sheepfest will introduce the inaugural Young Judges ‘Merino Sheep’ judging event to the show this year. The event will have two divisions being 18 to 25-year-olds and 17&under for participants who are keen to showcase their passion for sheep and wool. Peter Gelmi, Royal Agricultural Society, Counsellor Assisting Young Judges, explains the event further –
“Young Judges competitions are a perfect opportunity to involve the next generation to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in their chosen fields of the agricultural industry. Merino Sheep Judging is a very popular category in our Young Judges competitions
throughout WA, and it is great to see that it is now offered at Act-Belong-Commit Darkan Sheepfest. This is the first of many opportunities for Young Judges to qualify for the State Final, held at the Perth Royal Show, in September. Even if the competitors don’t come away
with a placing, they will definitely pick up a lot more pointers to help them for next time.” Another show highlight for 2022 is an exclusive log chopping demonstration by members of The Western Australian Axeman’s League. Prior to modern technology, the sheep and wool industry
relied heavily on the skill and endurance of local axeman, for the supply of split jarrah to build shearing sheds, sheep yards and paddock fences, many of which are still standing strong and being used to this day. For as long as Act-Belong-Commit Darkan Sheepfest continues, so will the Farm Boot Foot Race and the Best Pet Sheep. Both events were put forward to the public as novelty one-off entertaining
exhibitions. However, these events continue to be the most talked about and the most requested and therefore will remain on the program.

Whilst the show provides plenty of fun and laughter, there is one serious and important part of the show, which is talking about mental health. This year, Act-Belong-Commit Darkan Sheepfest will be supporting the Royal Flying Doctor Service – Mental Health Programs. A live auction of donated items including local artist Jane Campbell’s framed shearing print and the expertly chopped wood from the Axeman’s League demonstrators, will help promote awareness and funds to this important organization.

The Act-Belong-Commit Darkan Sheepfest is scheduled for Saturday 12th February 2022.

For further enquiries please contact Karlene Goss or 0428361366.


12th February, 2022


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