Year: 2019

October 18, 2019
Sabrina’s Dirty Deeds is the gardening podcast that combines practical advice and expert knowledge with good times and wheelbarrows of fun! Joining Sab is her good mate Jamie Burnett. While he’s the first to admit his gardening struggles, he’s always having a dig and loves nothing more than a good laugh. Sabrina’s Dirty Deeds will […]
September 10, 2019
Did you miss my secret to growing the perfect tomatoes? How exciting – its tomato season and lets look at how you can save your bestest tomatoes from your own seed for more planting this year, or to keep for next summer. Tomatoe juice has a growth inhibitor that affects […]
September 10, 2019
Does size matter and can you divide them? Find out the answer to this plus what to look for when buying our native floral emblem.
September 10, 2019
I am so excited to be partnering up with Kalamunda Plant Company and bringing diversity back into peoples garden and leaving a softer footprint on the planet. Sabrina’s Selection offers an ever-changing mix of beautiful plant varieties, grown from seed in Kalamunda, with the aim of encouraging beneficial insects into your garden. Some of the […]