Category: In the Press

January 4, 2025
Dear Valued Customers, With mixed emotions, I am announcing that I will be reducing my work commitments, which means that our business, Hort with Heart, will be closing. I encourage you to visit your local independent nursery to purchase the last of our stock. The only product still available online is our most popular item, […]
September 28, 2024
I am thrilled to announce the next phase of my 30+ year gardening journey! My upcoming book, “How to do it in the Garden,” will be available in stores this October. From soil preparation to organic gardening with edibles, I aim to inspire you to explore or re-explore the captivating world of nature. Emphasising sustainability, […]
January 8, 2024
A borer update Summer is when we most appreciate our canopy cover from large trees around the house and garden. If you are lucky enough you will have an old tree in the garden that spans metres and keeps the neighbourhood cooler. Unfortunately, some of our older trees around Perth have become victim to the […]
December 16, 2022
Be Groundwater Wise – Horticulturalist Sabrina Hahn addresses garden bore users in Perth + Mandurah Be Groundwater Wise – Horticulturalist Sabrina Hahn on how to achieve a groundwater wise garden Be Groundwater Wise – Horticulturalist Sabrina Hahn explains why groundwater is a precious resource–yV36g8uM
December 16, 2022
Link to home page Link to ‘Waterwise gardens, lawns and verges’ page
December 16, 2022
December 16, 2022
Think climate change. Be waterwise. Climate change means Perth receives less rainfall now than we did a few decades ago, and this means our groundwater is being recharged less than in the past. Less rainfall and less recharge, and increasing demand for groundwater, means Perth’s aquifers have shifted out of balance. Groundwater is an important […]
May 31, 2022
If you have seen this in any of your fruit, then you know without a doubt you have rats playing in your garden. They prefer a healthy diet of 3 fruit and 2 veg a day! Over the winter months rats will be looking for a nice warm spot to keep warm and safe, this […]
January 12, 2022
Here at Hort with Heart we have maintained our philosophy of developing environmentally sustainable products that work with nature not against it. We have always believed in equal opportunity and creating positive change in people lives. In order to reduce our carbon footprint we have made the decision to have all our labels and packaging […]
October 18, 2019
Sabrina’s Dirty Deeds is the gardening podcast that combines practical advice and expert knowledge with good times and wheelbarrows of fun! Joining Sab is her good mate Jamie Burnett. While he’s the first to admit his gardening struggles, he’s always having a dig and loves nothing more than a good laugh. Sabrina’s Dirty Deeds will […]