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Sabrina’s Selection

Published September 10, 2019 in General News

I am so excited to be partnering up with Kalamunda Plant Company and bringing diversity back into peoples garden and leaving a softer footprint on the planet.

Sabrina’s Selection offers an ever-changing mix of beautiful plant varieties, grown from seed in Kalamunda, with the aim of encouraging beneficial insects into your garden. Some of the seed is sourced from parent plants from my very own garden.

All the plants in the Sabrina’s Selection range are grown in natural, biodegradable coir pots, without the use of pesticides or herbicides. Instead of using harmful insecticides to kill off the bad bugs in your garden harness mother nature by planting a diverse selection of flowering plants that attract beneficial insects into your garden. They will do all the hard work for you. Growing a combination of perennials and annuals you will attract bees, lace wings, predatory mites, assassin bugs, mantis, lady birds, tiny wasps and insectivore and seed eating birds.

No plastic pots or plastic plant tags are used (the tags are made from paper). Sabrina Hahn – Hort with Heart and the Kalamunda Plant Company are helping to set the standard in growing plants in a sustainable, environmentally-conscious manner with minimal waste.

For my full selection of plants click on the link  Sabrina’ Selection

If you cant get enough of Western Australian flora now you can wear it, wipe it, lay it and fill it.

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