Category: General News
January 1, 2016
Having a summer garden bursting with flowers is easy to achieve if you select plants that are suited to our climate and precious, dwindling water resources. Here are Sabrina’s top ten stars that thrive in summer.
November 14, 2015
Lately I have been pondering the many challenges gardeners face in a rapidly changing world. It’s not just the climate that’s changing, its also the social and environmental issues that we cannot ignore. Rainfall is unreliable, we are experiencing extreme weather spikes, population growth is placing higher demands on natural resources, the footprint of a […]
September 1, 2015
September seems to always mark the point where people get interested in the garden again. Harness this energy and do a little garden re-vamp while the moment lasts! The days are becoming longer, the soil is warming up and hopefully there will be more rain. “I don’t know where to start” is the most common […]