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Fire Resistant & Fire Tolerant Plants

Published January 20, 2016 in

This list of plants is merely a guide for more fire resistant plants than many of our bush plants. It is by no means a complete list but some of the plants that would be more suitable for Western Australian conditions.

It must be said that in the incidence of a raging fire front no plant will survive, but many will regenerate.

E= Evergreen            D = Deciduous

Plumeria frangipani









Melia azederach (Cape Lilac) (E)
Magnolia grandiflora (E)
Magnolia Little Gem (E)
Magnolia Teddy Bear (E)
Magnolia Kaye Paris (E)
Acacia howitii (E)
All Acmena (Lilypily) (E)
All Syzygium
Cupaniopsis anacardiopsis (Tuckeroo) (E)
Brachychiton aecerifolius (Flame tree) (D)
Eleocarpus (E)
Fig (all including edible) (D)
Mulberry (D)
Loquot (D)
Cercis (Judus Tree) (D)
Arbutus (E)
Gleditzia (D)
Plumeria (frangipani) (D)
Prunus (all including ornamental) (D)
Pyrus (D)
Ulmus chinensis (Chinese Elm) (D)
Feijoa (E)

Escallonia hedge








Agapanthus (E)
Acacia iteaphyla (E)
Photinia (E)
Syzygium (lilypilly) (E)
Rhagodia (saltbush) (E)
Atriplex (saltbush) (E)
Santolina (E)
Scaevola crassifolia (E)
Leucophyta brownii (E)
Correa sp. (E)
Chaenomeles japonica (Flowering Quince) (D)
Nerium (Oleander) (E)
Sambucus (Elderberry) (D)
Viburnum tinus (E)
Maireana Cottonbush) (E)
Eremophila (Emu bush) (E)
Acacia Cyclops (E)
Melaleuca nodosa (E)
Senna (Silver Cassia) (E)
Coprosma sp.

Disphyllum Sunburn







Ground Covers
All succulents
Scaevola aemula
Carpobrotus (Pigface)
Delosperma Sunflare
Disphyllum Sunburn
Hibbertia scandans
Ajuga australis
Eremophila Kalbarri Carpet
Arctotis sp.

Please note, this is a list of plants that are more able to withstand fire, or will regenerate if affected by fire. These plants will not neccessarily prevent damage to your property in the case of a bushfire.

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