Medfly ISCA Ball Trap
ISCA Ball Trap:
- Robust UV stable plastics for long field life.
- Includes an easy access lure receptacle on top of the trap for ease of lure replacement.
- The trap does not include a lure; they are sold separately.
ISCA TML Lures: (sold separately)
- Contains Trimelure parapheromone in a gel matrix which attracts male Medfly.
- Field life: 4-6 weeks depending on environmental conditions (4 weeks in summer)
- Shelf life: 2 years if refrigerated.
Ball Trap set up and monitoring of male Mediterranean Fruit Flies:
- Apply ISCA TML lure into the lure receptacle in the top of the trap and close the lid.
- Replace every 4-6 weeks (4 weeks in summer)
Trap Placement:
- Traps are hung on the south side of the tree in summer and on the north side in the winter.
- Place traps on the inside of the canopy of fruiting trees, in open shade, with 25cm of clearance from foliage.
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