Season: Spring

November 21, 2015
If you ask any passionate gardener they will tell you the two best luxury items on top of the list would be a mature tree and/or garden ornamentation. Hell, we are talking luxury here – go for both!
September 1, 2015
Plums vary greatly in flavour, colour, texture and scent. They actually quite hardy fruit trees and seem to just carry on in spite of neglect.
October 27, 2014
The warmer summer months are definitely the time to get your cucurbits into the ground. Not it’s not your old smelly sock pile, but the melon family. Temperatures above 15 degrees will be needed for germination to be successful. The cucurbit family is made up of watermelon, pumpkins, cucumber, zucchini, squash, marrow and rock melons. […]
October 27, 2014
Controlling Fruit Fly With the resurgence of the ‘Growing Your Own’ food, fruit tree sales are rocketing. Add to that the fact that most fruit trees are now available on dwarf root stock, I believe just about every home will have at least two fruit trees. However, in order to keep our joy in balance, […]