Season: Summer
October 27, 2014
Controlling Fruit Fly With the resurgence of the ‘Growing Your Own’ food, fruit tree sales are rocketing. Add to that the fact that most fruit trees are now available on dwarf root stock, I believe just about every home will have at least two fruit trees. However, in order to keep our joy in balance, […]
October 27, 2014
Summer definitely means spending heaps of time outdoors. We very rarely ever eat indoors during the summer months, and the best part of dining outside is that you can hose down the floor and throw the bottles in a cardboard box. The other positive element is that one can commune with nature and check out all the things that come into the garden, hopefully not burglars, but birds, insects, marsupials and your neighbours kids looking for their ball.
October 27, 2014
There seems to be quite a bit of confusion surrounding the rotation of crops. You don’t need to study magic or pay strict attention to the lunar phases; you just need to have a few ideas about what you want to grow. Crop rotation is simply making sure that you do not plant the same crop in the same spot every year. For those of you who are thinking “I cant remember from one month to the next what I plant let alone a whole year,” that’s why they invented digital cameras.
September 24, 2014
Strawberries have so many uses, but my favorite is to soak them in Cointreau and plop them into champagne – good health being foremost on my mind!