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July 23, 2016
Globe artichokes need full sun, free draining soil and not too much attention. They are one of the most adaptable Mediterranean plants that have evolved without fertilisers.
July 23, 2016
This year is going to be an absolute ripper for wildflowers, the rain has spread far and wide and been consistent enough to aid germination of our wonderful flora. You can create a little bit of bush in your own yard with the ever-increasing availability of native plants in nurseries now.
July 23, 2016
All the rain and wonderful warm weather is creating the ideal breeding ground for aphids. Plants are sending up new shoots and flowers, thinking that spring has arrived quite early and sapsuckers are populating at the rate of rabbits. Aphids feed on new growth by piercing and sucking the sap, preferring the lovely new soft growth because these cells transport nutrients.
Tilly the dog in garden
July 23, 2016
Being a dog lover, my garden and I have been through a few puppies over the years, and it can be quite a challenge to keep that sweet demeanor when you find half the garden dug up, chewed or both.
apple blossom
June 25, 2016
There is a lot of confusion around which fruit trees need a partner in order to cross-pollinate and produce fruit. Some trees are self fertile such as citrus, others are partially self fertile like some avocados and almonds, then there are those such as apples and plums that need a different variety that flower at the same time in order to develop fruit.
Garlic Cloves
June 21, 2016
June is the perfect time to plant out your garlic bulbs. Check out what varieties are available in your local area and plant out a few different types to see which variety suits your conditions best.
January 24, 2016
There has been a lot of discussion on the causes of declining populations of bees after the January 2016 European Food Safety Authority (Efsa) review on the ban of certain pesticides. This could pave the way for a EU ban on three neonicotinoid pesticides that are believed to be partially responsible for the decline of bee colonies.
November 21, 2015
If you ask any passionate gardener they will tell you the two best luxury items on top of the list would be a mature tree and/or garden ornamentation. Hell, we are talking luxury here – go for both!
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